Josh Fremd: ‘I Need A Statement Win’

UFC News

And after coming out of the gates in the UFC with a 2-3 record, the 30-year-old isn’t celebrating his two years on the roster – he’s on a statement-making mission.

“I haven’t done anything I wanted to yet,” Fremd said. “I haven’t put my best foot forward. To me, personally, I haven’t seized the opportunity that was given to me, and that’s something that eats at me every single day. So I need to go out here and I need to put on a performance that I can be proud of. That’s going to be anybody’s biggest regret in their life if they get an opportunity and they don’t seize it and they don’t do the things that they know that they’re capable of. That’s just going to eat at me forever. So I’m working my ass off to be able to do that.”

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He’s got the team around him at Factory X, he’s got the perfect location in Colorado, and he obviously has the talent, otherwise he wouldn’t be here. All that’s left is to put everything together when he makes the walk on Saturday.

“Until I do something that I’m proud of that I can hang my hat on, I’m not satisfied,” said Fremd. “I’ve got three fights on the left of my contract with this one, then two after, and they could cut me at any time. It’s not like I’m guaranteed those fights. So when you look at it, every single fight, you’re fighting for your job. So this could be my last and I’m thinking like that. So I’m going to go out here and I’m going to leave everything on the table. I’m going to make everything exciting. I am going to try and break this man’s will. I’ve seen him break many times and I believe I can get him to break.”

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