“It’s easy,” Echeverry said. “Just some dice and be decent at improv and just at least one friend and that’s all you need. If you wanted to, you could just say I’m a Dungeon Master and I’d believe you; now whether you’re a good one or a bad one is different.”
Good or bad, in the cage or in the basement, don’t think that your skills are going to be enough to get inside the head of Echeverry. The man has seen the world in a broader scope than most, and at 30 years old, he flinches for no man, woman or beast.
“At weigh ins I’m wearing a Deadpool robe and hat, I have very flamboyant undies, I’m always smiling,” Echeverry said. “Even in the cage most people stare down their opponent and pace back and forth. Me, I sit on my butt in my corner and kind of just chill until it’s time to go.”